Email : [email protected] =Australian Made = Phone: 0400314902
Windelf Flutes P.O.Box 68
Pomona, Qld
Australia 4568
Shakuhachi flute ...Native American Flute .... Drone flute...
Restored Japanese Rootend Shakuhachi Flute ... Bamboo Sax.
. Walking stick flute ... Make- your- own-flute ....Buy a Bamboo Flute Online
I am very happy with my new Windelf Flute, it has a magical voice and was beautifully handcrafted !!
Truly a work of art . Thank you so much ." .....Steven Bachmann, New Hamshire, U.S.A
Welcome to the world of Windelf Flutes.

Gentle flute sounds drift through the green hills on a cool misty morning. A small honey-eater lands on a pink grevillea flower nearby...Slowly I sip my tea, absorbed by the beauty and mystery.........
---- Flutes ,Flutes, Flutes..----- One of the worlds oldest musical instruments. Forces of body, breath, bamboo and life combining and flowing together , creating momentary sounds,effecting player, listener and environment in so many unknowable ways.........
These days the pendulum seems to have swung a long way in one direction .The getting, gaining ,achieving, the always- busy- going-everywhere -but- here direction. For me the simple act of blowing into a bamboo flute swings it back the other way a bit. Suddenly I am just here , hearing a few notes ,connecting with a simple ,timeless pleasure and presence...........
All flutes are handmade by Windelf in his small workshop located amidst the inspiring and beautiful hills of the Sunshine Coast hinterland in Queensland, Australia.
The flutes are made from bamboo harvested from a nearby property. A common running bamboo (Phyllostachys Aurea ) is usually used. Aurea almost never cracks once it is heat treated and is not attacked by the dreaded bamboo borer (the bane of bamboo users throughout the world).It also has excellent tonal qualities and a classic 'beautiful bamboo' appearance.
Be assured that there is nothing 'inferior' or short-lived about these bamboo flutes. I have a couple of flutes made from Aurea bamboo that must be close to 20 years old and still play well and sound beautiful.

Browse the website on the menu bar on the left to discover more of Windelf's world and how the flutes are made or to hear and see some of the unique flutes .......Shakuhachi ,...Native American.....The Walking Stick Flute.
All flutes come with a money -back guarantee of quality.....If you are not completely happy just send the flute back and your money will be cheerfully refunded...
This is an eco-friendly sustainable product supporting a small local Australian craft enterprise........
Find out about the flute making workshops or where you may be able to catch up with Windelf and make your own flute at a festival near you.
Thanks for your interest and it is my wish that hearing or playing one of my bamboo flutes may bring you as much joy and serenity as it does to me.
The journey continues as the sound of these flutes travel through time and space, touching those who are open to their soothing sounds.........